Robert E. Ward being duly sworn, deposes and says:
My name is Robert E. Ward ; my post office is Lexington, R.F.D., Okla.; I am guardian for and make application on behalf of my four children; They claim Cherokee Indian blood through their mother, whose maiden name was Ella Sizemore; Ella Sizemore was born in Alabama and what is now known as Fayette Co. about the year 1869; she claimed through her father, Joel H. Sizemore; Joel H. Sizemore was born in Alabama in what was then known as Marion Co.; Joel Sizemore claimed through Daniel Sizemore; Old Old Daniel Sizemore; was born in middle Tennessee; I donot know of any enrollment of the Sizemores or of their ever having received any money or land from the government;
The mother of my children is dead.
Robert E. Ward (signed)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of August, 1908, at Norman Okla.
of Court of Claims
[Transcribed from the microfilmed records at NARA by Betty Thomas Finger for the website,
Sizemore Family Cherokee Indian Records.]