Joseph W. Ashby, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:
I live near Danbury in Stokes Co., N.C. I am about 59 years of age. and was born in Stokes and
have lived there all of my life. My mother Elitha [Lethy] Sizemore Ashby has been
dead about eighteen years, and was about 69 years of age at the time of her death.
I claim Indian blood through my mother only. I do not know where my mother was born, but think in
Halifax County. The older generation came from there, and my uncle, Johnny
Sizemore, and my grandfather, Joe Sizemore whom I understand came from
Halifax County, N. C., were in the big fight in 1812. They were fighting against the British.
I knew Dr. Johnny Sizemore, and have seen him often. He was a brother of my
grandfather, Joseph Sizemore. He lived and died in Stokes County.
I knew my grandfather, Joseph Sizemore. Missouria Stephenson is
my aunt. I do not remember ever hearing of old Ned Sizemore.
I have heard Uncle Johnny Gourd Sizemore say that he was what you might call a
full-blood Indian. I can not give the names of his father and mother.
I have never heard Dr. Johnny Gourd or my grandfather ever speak of living with
the Indians, but they considered themselves Indians. They were copper colored.
Dr. Gourd was like a wild man and always lived in the woods. I was always very
much afraid of him. He was my wife's great grandfather, so that my wife and I
both claim our Indian blood through the same line.
I expect Dr. Johnny Gourd was in his hundredth year at the time of his death. He
went around on two sticks. My grandfather, Joseph, was five or six years younger
than Dr. Johnny Gourd.
I have never enrolled as an Indian and have never received any money as such. I have never heard
of my mother nor my grandmother being enrolled as Indians. They never even drew a pension.
I have heard Dr. Johnny Gourd say that he was a Cherokee, and asked me if I was a
Cherokee, but I would not admit it. My people have always, since I can remember, been considered
White people and have lived among the White people.
(Signed) J. W. Ashby
Subscribed and sworn to before me at Pilot Mountain, N. C., this 23d day of March, 1908.
Special Commissioner
Court of Claims