
No. 30716

Benjamin F. King, being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

I am 53 years of age, and live in Stokes County, N.C. I have lived there all of my life. William King and Martha King, nee Sizemore, were my parents. My mother's application is #30305. My mother, through whom
I claim my Indian blood, was born, & lived in Stokes County.   My grandparents on my mother's side were Joseph and Martha Sizemore. My grandmother died in Stokes and grandfather in Halifax County Va. I have always heard.

I claim Indian blood through from having heard my mother say that I am kin to the Indians. She told me this when I was a boy.

I do not remember ever seeing my grandfather. I remember my grandmother quite well. I do not remember ever hearing her say anything about the Indians.   My mother told me that her Indian blood came through her father.   Neither my mother nor my grandmother ever lived with the Indians.

I have never heard of the Catawba Indians. My mother never said to what tribe of Indians she belonged --simply said she was kin to the Indians. I have never heard her mention the Cherokees. I canot say from what tribe of Indians my Indian blood comes.

Neither my mother nor my grandmother were ever enrolled with the Indians. I have never been enrolled.   I have never heard my mother or grandmother speak of any settlement of Indians in this country

(Signed) B. F. King

Subscribed and sworn to before me at Pilot Mountain, N. C., this 21st day of March, 1908.

Assistant to Special Commissioner
Court of Claims         

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